The aim of the healthcare provided is to ensure and promote personalized care for all users of Humanitas San Pio X. Our care is qualified and characterized by those values of humanization and attention to the sick person that are the basis of the mission of the structure.
At every stage of the therapeutic diagnostic process, the assistance programme aims at acting professionally on the basis of validated and up-to-date knowledge in order to ensure that the person, his or her family members and those who are significant to him, the most effective and humanizing care and assistance through the optimal use of the resources of the structure.
Operators are identifiable by the users, as well as through the personal badge, by the following uniforms:
Doctors: white coat.
- Hospitalization, polyclinic and Services: blue trousers and tunic.
- Operating block: green trousers and tunic inside the department, blue trousers and tunic outside the department.
Obstetricians: lilac trousers and tunic.
Ward sister and coordinators: white uniform with red collar.
Rehabilitation therapists (physiotherapists): white jacket and pants.
Lab technicians: white jacket and trousers.
Medical Radiology technicians: white jacket and trousers.
Auxiliary Hospitality Department (ASA): white jacket with green border and white trousers.
OSS: green jacket and trousers.
Cleaning Service Company: white and blue jacket and trousers.
Staff switchboard-reception and front office: blue dress.
Particular commitment is required by the Directorate to all health professionals and collaborators (Doctors, nurses, auxiliaries, Health care members, obstetricians, physiotherapists, Medical Radiology technicians) to provide, in accordance with their specific competences and responsibilities, their contribution to:
- promote the centrality and the holistic dimension of the sick person
- protect the safety of individuals, especially when clinical conditions limit their expression or autonomy
- create, in synergy with the team, a supportive context adapted to the needs
- help the patient in the process of adaptation to the prescribed therapeutic plan.